Tuesday, 22 February 2011

River Dee

Attended a weekend course with Gwilym Hughes to get some tips on how to Czech Nymph more effectively this year through out the season. Some great Grayling were caught by my mate Phil the biggest being 42cm! I however was not quite so lucky. Gwilym did show us how to tie some great flies during the course, (see examples below).

It's Bloody Cold!!!!

A Cased Caddis imitation.

Greenwells style small Clink. One for the spring to dink with!

 A Sneaky peak in Mr Hughes Fly box and some flies that he tied for us.

Barnsfold with BFT 6th February 2011

What a day! The gusting winds were the worst that I had fished in. Despite this the handful of mad fools that attended with me from Bolton Fly Tyers Club all caught.
 A Brownie taken on a Black Peacock Spider.

Not a bad Rainbow.

Black Peacock Spider Variant. Definitely a fly that will be on my leader allot this year!